Self-Compassion for Challenging Times

Explores how self-compassion underpins resilience & shares a toolkit for navigating times of stress and change.

Participants Learn to Support Themselves When Under Pressure

In my work with leading organisations, I find over and again that the internal stress people impose upon themselves as a result of critical self-talk and harsh judgment is often the toughest stressor of all.

In the midst of the most difficult moments, right when we need to be comforted, and supported many people are trapped in a vicious circle that is undermining, creates a self-fulfilling prophecy and makes work and life an uphill battle.

This workshop teaches participants to respond to themselves and their difficult feelings (inadequacy, anxiety) with kindness rather than criticism. Despite the challenges, the responsibilities and the emotional rollercoaster, there are things that we can do that will make a positive difference.

Participants will leave the workshop with their own roadmap for self-care during tough times.

Key Outcomes – Self-Compassion for challenging times

  • Develop awareness and respond with self-compassion in times of challenge
  • Practice techniques to calm and sooth oneself in times of stress
  • Learn how self-care and nurturing worthiness leads to emotional wellbeing
  • Increase commitment to growing healthy habits
  • Lay a foundation for building inner resilience

"Changed my thinking to an extent that has made a substantial difference to the quality of my life. Thank you!”

Like to arrange a Workplace Wellness Talk or Workshop for your organisation?

Talk to Joanne