Build Resilience & Mental Fitness

Practical tools to develop an anxiety free, focused, state of mind that can bounce back from challenges.

Practical Talk Provides a Toolkit of Positive Coping Strategies

Cultivating a calm, clear mindset gives you the capacity to deal with the stress and pressure of challenging times and unpredictability.   People can adapt well to change and recover quickly from difficulty when they have a toolkit of positive coping strategies that they practice regularly as well as replenish themselves on an ongoing basis.

Anyone can develop their resilience & mental fitness, as these are trainable skills.

This workshop shows you how.

Key Outcomes – Build Resilience & Mental Fitness

  • Gain practical tools to focus attention
  • Understand how stress works in the body and brain
  • Learn to respond skillfully to pressure
  • Have tools to re-set panic and self-calm in difficult scenarios
  • Become an inner ally and reverse negative self talk and criticism
  • Develop positive strategies for strengthening resilience and courage.

"Great workshop! I got tools to help me get things in perspective and not get caught up in the ‘chaos’ / ’noise’ around me"

Like to arrange a Workplace Wellness Talk or Workshop for your organisation?

Talk to Joanne