Job stress costs the American economy $1 trillion every year (The New York Times). The health, absenteeism, tardiness, poor performance, employee turnover, accidents, and stress-related workers’ compensation claims costs alone are approaching $300 billion annually ((American Institute of Stress). These findings are echoed across Europe.
Soaring Job Stress – COSTS
The UN calls it an “epidemic” and “the disease of the new century,” while Harvard Medical School studies show that men suffering very high anxiety are “four to six times more likely to die from sudden heart attack than those who report little or no anxiety.”
Toxic Workplace Culture – impedes functioning effectively and destroys creativity
So, it’s obvious that there is a price to pay for the breakneck speed of change, pressure to do more, produce more . Not only the obvious health costs but many workplaces have a toxic culture where people have moved from an approach orientation, where they are open, engaged and pioneering to one of aversion characterised by fear, irritability and close mindedness. If employees are under continual pressure they narrow their perspective, become reactive and impulsive. Anxiety and stress impede functioning optimally and destroy innovation.
Can Mindfulness restore balance?
The modern world has become unbalanced, with excessive focus on doing, speed and multitasking, with little time for being. Mindfulness can restore balance and has become the answer that many organisations are pursuing. The positive effects of Mindfulness on health, functioning, emotional regulation, attunement have been confirmed over and over again by more than 30 years of research.
Two business tools for 21st century – Meditation & Intuition
It is a fact that both the Harvard Business School and Europe’s leading business school, INSEAD have concluded, from research, that the two most effective business tools for twenty-first century executives are meditation and intuition.
Mindfulness Training & Resources
As a result of the compelling research findings that mindfulness enhances the qualities companies need; such as increased brain-wave activity, enhanced intuition and better concentration… many leading organisations are offering free, on-site mindfulness classes and facilities to their management and staff.
“we are responsible for creating environments in which our colleagues are nurtured and energized, our organizations innovate and flourish, and our communities are respected and supported. It is a complex assignment in a world and global economy that measures time in Internet seconds. Our minds can become distracted by the urgent at the expense of the important and we can become so preoccupied with yesterday and tomorrow that we are no longer able to excel at leading in the present.”
Janice Marturano, Institute for Mindful Leadership.
This blog was written by Joanne O’Malley, Mindfulness at Work.