There is a good article in today’s Huffington Post which says that Fortune 500 companies are now embracing mindfulness because they realise that the mindset of your workforce matters….
The mindset of your workforce matters
Mindfulness Training goes beyond traditional strategies to help people change patterns which negatively impact focus on work.
They say that companies now want employees to shift their mindsets to a proactive rather than a reactive or ego-driven motivation, to re-focus on a collaborative approach so engagement results as well as profits.
and suggest 5 benefits of integrating mindfulness and heart-centered behavior into your organization:
5 benefits that result from changing the mindset of your workforce
Move from a ME to WE culture
A happy workforce is made up of mindful individuals who collaborative towards a common goal.
Don’t fear what’s in your heart
Know what is driving you because acting intentionally always beats ‘reacting’.
Connect with the vision
Can everyone make a meaningful contribution?
There’s no ‘I’ in team
Is it safe to be open and explore possibilities?
Mind over stress
Working with a calm mind is most efficient and effective.
Read the full article here: ‘Mindfulness at Work: The Secret to Achieving Business Success’
This article was written by Joanne O’Malley, Mindfulness at Work